Every city and county can have different requirements but here is an example from the San Diego Building code for you to refer to. We always recommend that you check with your local codes to ensure you are compliant. Your local J&W Lumber can help you find out if you are up to your local code.
“Patio cover structures that do not exceed 300 square feet of projected roof area may be exempt from a building permit in single family residential zones. Although such patio covers may still be exempt from building permit, they are not exempt from electrical, plumbing, mechanical permit requirements and other building regulations (SDMC 129.0203(a)).” Building permits for any new patio cover or repair or enclosure of an existing patio cover will be required if any of the following conditions occur:
- The patio structure is located on a site that contains environmental sensitive lands.
- The patio structure encroaches into any required side yards or established setbacks.
- The property is located in the Coastal Zone or any site regulated by a Planned Residential Development (PRD) permit or Planned Infill Residential Development (PIRD) permit.”