
Get Cooking with Your Own Garden Box



If you enjoy cooking for family and friends and you want to add bold and fresh flavors to your favorite recipes, then consider planting your very own herb and vegetable garden. Thanks to a lumber garden box kit, it’s never been easier to enjoy the benefits of owning a small garden. Here are a few ways that your garden box will enhance your home cooking:

  • Home-Grown Vegetables – Vegetables are some of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. And when you cook vegetables, it helps to break down the cellulose walls, making some nutrients more accessible than they are in their raw state. Using summer squash, peas, tomatoes, or asparagus that you’ve grown yourself in your favorite recipe will add color, texture, and, most importantly, flavor.
  • Fresh Herbs – Herbs are great for adding different flavors and textures to your meal. By installing a garden box in your backyard, you’ll always have access to the freshest flavors and spices for your home-cooked meals. Not only will you have exactly what you need, but you’ll also save a considerable amount of money by growing your own herbs.
  • A Variety of Options – A garden box allows you the space and conditions to grow whatever you’d like. With so many different vegetables and herbs available at any one time, you’ll be able to whip up new and exciting dishes with ease. For instance, just take a few vegetables and a bit of cilantro, and you’ll be able to make delicious fresh salsa any time you’d like.

If you’d like to take your home cooking to delicious new heights, then contact J & W Lumber and find out more about our beautiful and easy-to-assemble garden boxes. Our redwood garden boxes are ideal for herbs and vegetables that can be planted year-round. For more information, contact us online or call (760) 741-8776.

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